Peruvian Gastronomy at its Pinnacle in the World's 50 Best Restaurants

Dec 27, 2023

Peru's culinary scene has emerged as a global force, offering a tantalizing blend of tradition, innovation, and an array of unique flavors. In this culinary exploration, we delve into the excellence of The World's 50 Best Restaurants from Peru, spotlighting the extraordinary contributions of Central, Maido, Kjolle, and Mayta. These establishments have not only redefined Peruvian gastronomy but have also earned their places on the prestigious list of the country's top dining destinations.

The World's 50 Best Restaurants in Peru, showcase the diversity, innovation, and culinary prowess that define Peru's gastronomic landscape, elevating traditional dishes and also pioneer new culinary frontiers, making Peru a must-visit destination for food enthusiasts around the world.

Central Restaurant: Lima's culinary icon by chef Virgilio Martínez, explores Peru's biodiversity through avant-garde dishes.


Located in Lima, Peru, is the top Nr. 1 World 50 Best Restaurant of the list. It´s an acclaimed restaurant that has left an indelible mark on the culinary world. Renowned for its innovative approach to gastronomy, Central is the brainchild of chef Virgilio Martínez and his wife, Pía León. Nestled in the vibrant Barranco district, the restaurant offers an immersive dining experience that transcends traditional boundaries. The menu is a culinary journey through Peru's diverse ecosystems, with each dish meticulously crafted to reflect different altitudes and regions.

Central's tasting menus showcase a deep connection to local ingredients, many of which are sourced from extreme elevations, ranging from the Amazon rainforest to the Andean peaks. Diners embark on a sensorial expedition, encountering flavors and textures that celebrate Peru's biodiversity. The restaurant's commitment to sustainability and its focus on indigenous ingredients have earned it a spot among the world's top restaurants.

The elegant and minimalist décor at Central complements the culinary artistry, allowing patrons to focus on the exquisite plates presented before them. With its combination of culinary creativity, dedication to local sourcing, and a commitment to elevating Peruvian cuisine, Central has rightfully earned its place as a global gastronomic destination, inviting guests to savor the essence of Peru's diverse landscapes on each plate.

Maido: Lima's culinary fusion masterpiece, blending Japanese and Peruvian flavors to create unforgettable dining experiences.


Maido is a culinary gem that fuses Japanese and Peruvian flavors with unparalleled creativity. Renowned chef Mitsuharu Tsumura brings his Nikkei heritage to life through an exquisite dining experience. The restaurant seamlessly blends traditional Japanese techniques with Peru's diverse ingredients, showcasing the harmonious marriage of two rich culinary traditions.

Maido, meaning "welcome" in Japanese, invites diners to embark on a gastronomic journey through its meticulously curated tasting menus. Signature dishes like the Nikkei Ceviche and the innovative 50-hour slow-cooked short rib express the restaurant's commitment to perfection and culinary artistry. With a sleek and modern ambiance, Maido provides an intimate setting for patrons to appreciate the unique blend of flavors that defines Nikkei cuisine, earning its well-deserved place among the top restaurants globally.

Maido: Lima's fusion marvel, Japanese-Peruvian fusion by Chef Mitsuharu Tsumura, crafting unforgettable culinary experiences.


Kjolle, nestled in Lima, is a culinary masterpiece crafted by chef Pía León, renowned for her creativity and dedication to redefining Peruvian cuisine. As the sister restaurant to Central, Kjolle is an independent venture that stands out with its innovative approach. The name "Kjolle" means "to sprout" in Quechua, symbolizing the restaurant's commitment to growth and evolution.

Located in the Barranco district, Kjolle offers a unique dining experience, where each dish is a celebration of local ingredients transformed into culinary works of art. The menu reflects a deep connection to Peru's diverse ecosystems, presenting a symphony of flavors and textures. The restaurant's chic and contemporary ambiance complements the avant-garde cuisine, providing a sensory journey for guests who seek an immersive exploration of Peru's culinary landscape at the hands of a visionary chef. Kjolle has rightfully earned its place as a destination for those eager to experience the cutting edge of Peruvian gastronomy.

Kjolle sustainable gastronomy gem by Chef Pía León, featuring inventive Peruvian dishes with seasonal local ingredients.


This restaurant stands as a testament to the culinary vision of chef Jaime Pesaque. This acclaimed restaurant seamlessly blends Peruvian tradition with contemporary flair, offering a modern twist on classic flavors. Named after the renowned Inca chef Huatay Mayta, the restaurant pays homage to Peru's rich gastronomic heritage.

Mayta's menu showcases a diverse array of dishes that artfully combine locally sourced ingredients with innovative techniques. From ceviches that burst with freshness to expertly prepared meat and seafood dishes, each plate is a testament to culinary excellence. The chic and stylish ambiance of Mayta enhances the overall dining experience, creating an inviting space for patrons to indulge in the flavors of Peru's diverse culinary landscape. With a commitment to quality and creativity, Mayta has secured its place as a destination for those seeking a contemporary and refined take on Peruvian cuisine.

Mayta by Chef Jaime Pesaque's innovative dishes blend tradition with contemporary flair in a vibrant setting.

As we celebrate the achievements of these remarkable restaurants, let it be an invitation to embark on a culinary adventure through Peru, where each bite tells a story of tradition, creativity, and a deep love for the rich tapestry of flavors that make Peruvian cuisine truly extraordinary.

Mayta by Chef Jaime Pesaque's innovative dishes blend tradition with contemporary flair in a vibrant setting.
Maido restaurant
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Peru, un pays de cultures et d'aventures, où la gastronomie, l'histoire et la nature se rejoignent, un pays où les déserts, les montagnes et la forêt amazonienne nous permettent de vivre des moments de vie incomparables. Notre peuple est amical, et nous avons des guides qui vous emmèneront explorer les traces de nos ancêtres. Nous voulons partager 5 expériences conçues pour vivre et apprécier, à garder dans vos souvenirs et dans vos cœurs. Un voyage attentif aux détails, sortant de l'ordinaire, voilà la richesse que nous recherchons. Cusco, Expériences Gastronomiques à l'Hôtel Tambo del Inka, de la Collection de Luxe Du Jardin à la Table | Déjeuner avec 4 Foyers Lima, Chants d'Histoire et de Culture Musée AMANO de Textiles Pré-Colombiens | Maison Aliaga, la Plus Ancienne de Lima Cusco, Sacayhuaman ou Réception des Hôtels Rencontre avec l'Inca et les Vierges du Soleil
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Belmond Andean Explorer
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Guia VIPAC em Machu Picchu
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Neste guia, apresentamos os pontos-chave para aproveitar ao máximo sua experiência de viagem a Machu Picchu. Desde dicas práticas até recomendações de atividades, estamos aqui para ajudá-lo a planejar uma visita inesquecível a um dos locais arqueológicos mais incríveis do planeta. Prepare-se para viver uma aventura incomparável em Machu Picchu!
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Chef Mitshuaru Tsumura do Maido restaurante
14 Apr, 2024
A cena gastronômica peruana emergiu como uma força global, oferecendo uma mistura tentadora de tradição, inovação e uma variedade de sabores únicos. Nesta exploração culinária, mergulhamos na excelência dos 50 Melhores Restaurantes do Mundo no Peru , destacando as extraordinárias contribuições do Central, Maido, Kjolle e Mayta . Estes estabelecimentos não apenas redefiniram a gastronomia peruana, mas também conquistaram seus lugares na prestigiada lista dos principais destinos gastronômicos do país. Os 50 Melhores Restaurantes do Mundo no Peru destacam a diversidade, inovação e habilidade culinária que definem o cenário gastronômico peruano, elevando pratos tradicionais e também pioneirizando novas fronteiras culinárias, tornando o Peru um destino imperdível para entusiastas da gastronomia ao redor do mundo.
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