Iquitos, A Natural Paradise in the Amazon

Enrique Quinones • Nov 14, 2022

Located In the heart of the Peruvian Amazon.

Have a quick view of the lodges to explore the Amazon River and rainforest.

Ceiba Tops Lodge in Iquitos

A large part of Peru is covered by a thick rainforest with numerous rivers flowing through it. The small streams bring their waters to larger rivers that converge here, coming from the South and North of Peru. It´s in this bustling, vibrant ecosystem that the great Amazon River is born.

Iquitos is a large city hidden in the Peruvian Amazon. It was once famous because of the rubber boom. The city sits right in the heart of the Amazon plain. Close by, numerous ecolodges offer a variety of experiences that allow you to reconnect with the biodiversity and Mother Earth.
To the South from Iquitos, in Nauta, the Amazon River is born. This place is a doorway to the great natural reserve of Pacaya Samiria. Cruise expeditions and nearby ecolodges invite you to enjoy nature in its purest state.

Our ecolodge selection

Tree House Lodge | Muyuna Lodge | Heliconia Amazon Lodge | Ceiba Tops |

Irapay Amazon Lodge | Pacaya Samiria Lodge

Tree house lodge in Iquitos

The Amazon rainforest is full of gigantic trees which compete for the sunlight and where the birds nest. The Tree House Lodge managed to artfully combine the power of nature with the comforts every traveler appreciates. It changed the perspective in the middle of the Peruvian Amazon, having you enjoy a unique experience from dawn till dusk.
The Tree House Lodge sits in the confluence of the Serene and Yarapa rivers, very close to the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve which boasts great biodiversity, its biggest attraction.

The hanging bridges in-between the treetops make you experience a unique sensation. Each bungalow has all the comforts of a hotel room in the middle of a rainforest, where rain, heat and humidity are all part of the natural experience.

Muyuna Logde at Pacaya Samiria Nature Reserve

Muyuna Lodge can be found 140 km to the South from the city of Iquitos, navigating the river towards the Tamshiyacu-Tahuayo reserve. In the rainforest, monkeys, sloths, pink dolphins, caimans, piranhas, and hundreds of birds all coexist peacefully.

Muyuna Lodge has an alliance and a very close relationship with San Juan de Yanayacu village, contributing to its economic development through responsible and sustainable tourism. The lodge guides come from this village.

The comfortable explorer-style bungalows have a
ll the facilities required for a pleasant stay in the rainforest. Enjoy the sounds of the jungle at night!

Heliconia Lodge in Iquitos

Located on the banks of the Amazon River, 80 km away from Iquitos, this lodge is a perfect basecamp for those looking for a contact with nature with all the comforts proper of a light adventure.

Unwind and escape the routine and distractions of a big city. This is a perfect place to enjoy the Amazon and get carried away by its wonders. Heliconia has electricity, light, ceiling fans and hot water in each room, perfect for an adventurous traveler.

At the end of a long and busy day spent exploring the rainforest, enjoy a swim in its open-air pool.

Ceiba Tops canopy

Part of the Explorama collection Lodges, one of the pioneer companies in the field of the Amazonian expeditions, Ceiba Tops opened in 2000. It remains one of the leaders in the rainforest exploration with all the comforts of a hotel.

Located 40 km away from Iquitos, Ceiba Tops has air-conditioned rooms with private bathrooms and hot water, surrounded by lush tropical gardens. It´s the most comfortable lodge in this part of the Peruvian rainforest.

Ceiba Tops has free Wi-Fi in the social areas to connect with the city while relaxing in a hammock or a rocking chair. It has a pool, a water slide, a whirlpool tub, and the Esmeralda meeting room. This lodge is perfect for a stay from one or more nights. If you stay 2 or more nights, you can visit the marvelous Explorama canopy during a full day tour.

Irapay Iquitos Resort

We know that travel styles vary a lot. That´s why we recommend this modern resort located only 30 minutes away from Iquitos, on the banks of the Momon River, between the Bora and the Yagua tribes.

It´s perfect for those who want to visit the Amazon River and some of its closest attractions. Recommended for families with small children or couples looking for contact with nature with a modern touch.

Pacaya Samiria Lodge

Pacaya Samiria Nature Reserve

The Ecolodge is located on the left bank of the Marañon River, 120 kilometers (74.5 miles) southwest of the city of Iquitos, in the buffer zone of the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve.

Nature has given the Pacaya Samiria Amazon Lodge the privilege of being the only Ecolodge located on 130 hectares of unaltered forest.

We have 10 cabins that will transport you to a world fully integrated with the environment. The decoration is perfectly blended with the forest, and the palm roofs.

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